7 days fitness company has been started from 27 january 2018. before a years MEHMOOD KHAN (bablu bhai ) running the NEW UNIQUE POWER GYM scince 1 january 2007. SOHAAN KHAN started the 7 days fitness company with bablu bhai . this company goal for floks LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFE and GET RID OF HOSPITAL and we can give you much more.
Fitness Is for Everyone - yes, you!
Staying fit helps keep you looking good! The more you indulge yourself in to healthy habits, the more you improve your overall look. This increases your confidence level and transcends to your overall disposition and self image. You feel fresh, you have a spring in your step, and you feel rejuvenated throughout the day. Your mood remains happy and optimistic too. Win!
why is fitness so important ?
But there are many positives to exercise. Not only does it help to improve your health, reducing your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease and stroke by up to 50% (according to the NHS), but it also has many other benefits, too.
For one thing, it can make us feel happier! When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in the body. Some health bodies even suggest exercise can help you to cope with feelings of mild to moderate depression. Exercise also helps us to feel more relaxed and sleep better, in turn having a positive impact on our energy levels throughout the day.